Friday, May 15, 2009


In 1962, ATT&T sent the first communication satellite into orbit. The satilite named telstar floated 500 to 3,500 miles above the earth. Telestar recieved faint television signals and it had allowed television audiences in the U.S to get european signals and european signals and europe to recieve U.S signals. The satillites changed the art of communication technology.

February 20, 1962 John Glenn was the first american to circle around the earth in the spacecraft called "friendship". John orbited three times around earth in less then five hours, while other americans on earth sat and watched their televisions watching john. The june 1965 astronaunt Edward White was the first american to walk in space for twenty-two mintues, Edward floated in space attached by a cord to the gemmini four capsule.

July 1969, Micheal Collins, Neil Armstrong, Edwin "BUZZ" Aldrin Jr. aboarded the Apollo 11 and headed for the moon, then four days later Aldrin and Armstrong climbed into the landing craft called "eagle" to accomplish their trip to the moon. Both astronaunts were suprised by the huge boulders and the surface's on the moon. Armstrong was he first american to step on the powdery surface of the moon and did a kangaroo-hopping on the low gravity atmosphere. Nineteen mintues later Aldrin joined for more then two hours and collected smples and set up instruments that would monitor the atmosphere, then planted the U.S flag to show that they were the first to explore the moon.

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