Friday, May 15, 2009

Famous Assassinations in the 60's


Lee Harvey Oswald Assassinated John F Kennedy November 22, 1963, according to the report of Warren Commission.
JFK was shot twice in his car during a parade in Dallas, Texas.
First shot was in his neck, he was still living at the time. Second shot was in the back of his head, so says the autopsy.

I don't doubt that he wasn't shot it's obvious he was, but as it shows in the recording his face was torn off, and the autopsy picture they let the public view shows his face completely intact... Mrs. Kennedy told news reporters later on that when she climbed over the back of the car it was to get a piece of JFK's blown off piece of head.

What was interesting is that they didn't show they clip of JFK's assassination until 15 years later, and the version was in black and white so it wasn't very visible.
some people say that the clip has been tampered with.

People have come up with many conspiracies, some are believable, most are pointless idiotic remarks.


On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was shot to death as he delivered his speech to the Afro_American Unity in Manhattan's Audobon Ballroom. It was said a disturbance broke out into the crowd of 400 or so people, They heard a man yell "Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!" and as Malcolm X's bodyguards went to stop the scene a man rushed up towards Malcolm shooting him in the chest with a sawed-off shotgun, then two different men came up and shot him 16 times. People in the crowd actually caught one of he assassins and beat him.

The one caught was a Black Muslim,Talmadge Hayer also known as Thomas Hagan.
They identified two more suspects as Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, also members of the Nation of Islam.

This was not much of a surprise, Malcolm had been getting threats before on how someone was going to kill him " He is as good as dead" said an anonymous man on the phone to Malcolm's wife. His house was even burned down, luckily his family survived.

shortly after midnight in the ballroom of Ambassador Hotel, a Palestinian man named Sirhan B. Sirhan shot and killed Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968. He died 26 hours after the shooting due to shot with no exit wounds. Sirhan B. Sirhan replied only with ,I did it for my country", while angry crowds shouted back, " Kill him, Lynch Kill him!".

There is not much information on the assassination of Mr.King Jr. only that on April 4, 1968 he was fatally shot standing on a balcony, second story Motel Lorraine in Memphis, Tennessee. He was on his way to dinner then a bullet hit him in the jaw severing his spinal cord. He died after his Arrival at one of Memphis' Hospitals, He was only 39 years old.

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