Friday, May 22, 2009

Psychedelic Drugs and Their Effect on Society

During the 1960s recreational drug use increased rapidly. LSD, Marijuana and Mescaline were used to expand conciousness and "find ectasy and revelation within". The use of psychedelic drugs was popularized by slogans such as "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" by Timothy Leary. Hippies often used the drugs to practice peace and love. These drugs were also the fuel for such events like Woodstock and Summer of Love.

In 1959 Ken Kesey volunteered for a CIA-financed project named Project MKULTRA, where under supervision people were examined using hallucigenic drugs. Later, in the mid-1960's Ken started throwing parties called "Acid Tests" where strobe lights, black lights and fluorescent paint intensified the effects of the LSD everyone was on. These parties were noted in Allen Ginsberg's poetry as well as Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.

A lot of bands were also known for their drug use, such as, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, Janis Joplin and many more.

Drugs were used widely across the country by young people, old people, hippies and non hippies. Psychedelic Drugs will always be remembered for its huge influence on music and art as well as being a major component for counter culture during this decade.

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