Friday, June 5, 2009

Malcolm X

Malcolm X also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was born May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was an African-American Muslim minister. A public speaker, and human rights activist. By the time he was 13, his father had died and his mother had been committed to a mental hospital. Malcolm was moved through numerous amounts of foster homes, later turning him into a criminal underworld in Boston and New York. In 1945, Malcolm X was sentenced to eight to ten years in prison. While in prison he became part of the Nation of Islam. During his Parole in 1952 he became one of NOI spokesmen. After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X became a Sunni Muslim and made a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Malcolm had a lot of complications throughout his life, peopl were racist towards him, which led to his downfall.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. When he was 13 he was sent to Canterbury School; A boarding school for boys in New Milford, Connecticut. Later on in April 1931 he needed an appendectomy, withdrew from school to be home. In September 1931, Kennedy went to the Choate School, a private boarding school for boys in Wallingford, Connecticut . In January 1934 during his junior year at Choate, Jack Kennedy became ill, lost a lot of weight, was hospitalized at Yale-New Haven Hospital until Easter, and spent most of June 1934 hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for evaluation of colitis. He graduated from Choate in June 1935.

In the spring of 1941 JFK volunteered for the U.S. Army. He was rejected at first because of his back problems. In the September of that year JFK was accepted into the Navy mainly because his father influenced the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). He later on was ranked lieutenant, for Patrol torpedo boats. He was honorably discharged in 1945 having earned a Purple Heart and a Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal.

In his early political years John wanted to become a journalist. H later was a Congress man for six years annihilating his Republican party opponents, such as Henry Cabot Lodge, for being U.S. Senate. On September 12, 1953 he married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier,Charles L. Bartlett, a journalist, introduced the pair at a dinner party. He underwent several spinal surgeries almost dying, he got his last rites four times. IN the year 1956 he wrote a book explaining how Senates risk their lives just because of their personal beliefs, it was called "Profiles in Courage", It won the Pulitzer Prize.

On January 2, 1960 Kennedy officially declared to run for President of the United States. In the Democratic primary election, he faced Senator Hubert Humphrey, and Senator Wayne Morse . Kennedy defeated Humphrey in Wisconsin and West Virginia, and Morse in Maryland and Oregon. In West Virginia, Kennedy visited a coal mine and talked to mine workers to win their support. His victory in West Virginia paved the way for his popular appeal. At the Democratic Convention, he gave the well-known "New Frontier" speech, which represented the changes America and the rest of the world would be going through. On July 13, 1960 the Democratic convention nominated Kennedy as its candidate for President. Johnson was asked by him to be his VP ( Vice President ). He needed Johnson's strength in the South to win what was considered likely to be the closest election since 1916. In September and October he debated Richard Nixon on television, aka " The 5 o' clock shadow". On January 20, 1961 Kenndey gave his inaugural address.

Unfourtunetly on Nobember 22, 1963 he was assasinated at a parade in Texas. He was killed be Lee Harvey Oswald.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Fashion 1960s

In the 1960s when the teenage girls went to school they would wear skirts, over the course of the decade, the hemlines would shorten a little, a very little to just above the knee.
There were a lot of different trends in the 1960s. In the middle of the decade,culottes, box-shaped dresses and go-go boots were in style.
Mary Quant invented the mini skirt. Jackie Kennedy made the french manicure and the fake eyelashes. Greens, shimmery and Blue eye shadow were really popular. Fake eylelashes were used a lot, and hairstlyer were a bunch of different styles and lengths.

Stonewall Riots

The Stonewall riots was a violent demonstration against a police raid on June 28, 1969 in Greenwich Village, New York City, at the Stonewall Inn. It was the first time that Gay's and Lesbians fought back against the government. It marked the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement all around the world. African American Civil Rights Movement, Counterculture of the 1960s, and Antiwar Demonstrations are some other social movements that happened in the 1960s. Only a few places were open to gay people in the 1950s and the 1960s. The places that often allowed gays were bars, but the bar owners and manargers mostly weren't gay.

At the time the Stonewall Inn was owned by the Mafia. It was popular to the gay community such as: hustlers, effeminate young men, transvestites, and homless youth. The raids that the police did in bars during the 1960s were routine. Officers quickly lost control of the situation at the Stonewall Inn. For several nights after the raid at Stonewall Inn were protests. People who lived in the city started activist groups to concentrate on finding places for gays and lesbians to be open about their sexual orientation without having to be afraid of getting arrested.

About six months after the riots two gay activist organizations were formed in New York. Ggay rights organizations were founded across the U.S. and the world, within a few years. To this day Gay Pride events are are held throughout the world around the end of June to mark the Stonewall Riots.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Friday, May 22, 2009

Psychedelic Drugs and Their Effect on Society

During the 1960s recreational drug use increased rapidly. LSD, Marijuana and Mescaline were used to expand conciousness and "find ectasy and revelation within". The use of psychedelic drugs was popularized by slogans such as "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" by Timothy Leary. Hippies often used the drugs to practice peace and love. These drugs were also the fuel for such events like Woodstock and Summer of Love.

In 1959 Ken Kesey volunteered for a CIA-financed project named Project MKULTRA, where under supervision people were examined using hallucigenic drugs. Later, in the mid-1960's Ken started throwing parties called "Acid Tests" where strobe lights, black lights and fluorescent paint intensified the effects of the LSD everyone was on. These parties were noted in Allen Ginsberg's poetry as well as Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.

A lot of bands were also known for their drug use, such as, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, Janis Joplin and many more.

Drugs were used widely across the country by young people, old people, hippies and non hippies. Psychedelic Drugs will always be remembered for its huge influence on music and art as well as being a major component for counter culture during this decade.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Woodstock was a music and art festival held by at Max Yasgur's 600 acres dairy farm in the small town of Bethel, New York.
On August 15 to August 18,1969 the festival had thirty two of the best known musicians of that day performed.
On August 15 the musicians that performed were:RIchie Haven, Sweetwater,The Incredible String Band, Bert Sommer,Tim Hardin, Ravi Shankar, Melanie, Ario Guthrie, Joan Baez,
The artist that performed of August 16 were:Quill,Keef Hartley Band,Country Joe Mcdonald, John Sebastian, Santana, Canned Heat, Mountain, janis Joplin, Grateful Dead,Creedence Clearwater Revival,Sly & The Family Stone, The Who, Jeffreson Airplane.
On the last day the performers were: Joe Cocker Country Joe and the Fish, Ten Years After, Blood Sweat & Tears, Crosby, Stills, Nash & young, Neil Young, Paul Butterfield blues Band, Sha Na Na and Jimi Hendix.
People that were supposed to play:

The Doors were supposed to perform at Woodstock but at the last Momment canceled the reason why was because jim morrison distaste for performing in large outdoor venues, but the doors drummer john densmore attented. bob dyulan was scheduled to play but then pulled out because his son became very ill he was also irritataded at the number of hippies outside his house near the orinally planned site. although many attempts have been made over the years to emulate the festival but none have been able to emulate the festival.