Tuesday, June 2, 2009

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. When he was 13 he was sent to Canterbury School; A boarding school for boys in New Milford, Connecticut. Later on in April 1931 he needed an appendectomy, withdrew from school to be home. In September 1931, Kennedy went to the Choate School, a private boarding school for boys in Wallingford, Connecticut . In January 1934 during his junior year at Choate, Jack Kennedy became ill, lost a lot of weight, was hospitalized at Yale-New Haven Hospital until Easter, and spent most of June 1934 hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for evaluation of colitis. He graduated from Choate in June 1935.

In the spring of 1941 JFK volunteered for the U.S. Army. He was rejected at first because of his back problems. In the September of that year JFK was accepted into the Navy mainly because his father influenced the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). He later on was ranked lieutenant, for Patrol torpedo boats. He was honorably discharged in 1945 having earned a Purple Heart and a Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal.

In his early political years John wanted to become a journalist. H later was a Congress man for six years annihilating his Republican party opponents, such as Henry Cabot Lodge, for being U.S. Senate. On September 12, 1953 he married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier,Charles L. Bartlett, a journalist, introduced the pair at a dinner party. He underwent several spinal surgeries almost dying, he got his last rites four times. IN the year 1956 he wrote a book explaining how Senates risk their lives just because of their personal beliefs, it was called "Profiles in Courage", It won the Pulitzer Prize.

On January 2, 1960 Kennedy officially declared to run for President of the United States. In the Democratic primary election, he faced Senator Hubert Humphrey, and Senator Wayne Morse . Kennedy defeated Humphrey in Wisconsin and West Virginia, and Morse in Maryland and Oregon. In West Virginia, Kennedy visited a coal mine and talked to mine workers to win their support. His victory in West Virginia paved the way for his popular appeal. At the Democratic Convention, he gave the well-known "New Frontier" speech, which represented the changes America and the rest of the world would be going through. On July 13, 1960 the Democratic convention nominated Kennedy as its candidate for President. Johnson was asked by him to be his VP ( Vice President ). He needed Johnson's strength in the South to win what was considered likely to be the closest election since 1916. In September and October he debated Richard Nixon on television, aka " The 5 o' clock shadow". On January 20, 1961 Kenndey gave his inaugural address.

Unfourtunetly on Nobember 22, 1963 he was assasinated at a parade in Texas. He was killed be Lee Harvey Oswald.

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